Visual artist and Filmmaker
HD video and Super 8 transferred to HD
Color and Black & White 1.77: 1
5.1 Sound
Italian, French, and English
with English subtitles
14 minutes
Story and dialogues: Mariangela Ciccarello
Cinematography and edit: Philip Cartelli & Mariangela Ciccarello
Sound: Philip Cartelli
Voice: Lucien Castaing-Taylor, Mariangela Ciccarello, Joris Lachaise, Carlo Signati
Sound mix: Ernst Karel

In late 1831, a volcanic island suddenly erupted off the southern coast of Sicily. A number of European powers laid claim to the newfound “land,” but the island receded six months later, leaving only a rocky ledge under the sea. Through its intersecting utopic visions and depictions of possession, LAMPEDUSA also considers those who traverse the sea today in search of an elusive solid land.
“Lampedusa juxtaposes wide, luminous digital panoramas with black- and-white Super 8 shots, knitting together an illusory, slippery vision of time and place. ‘What is past?’ Cartelli and Ciccarello seem to ask; the ongoing migrant crisis — where Mediterranean islands play a role of desire, salvation, and uncertainty — undoubtedly imbues this film.” -Jeremy Polacek, Hyperallergic
Screenings & Exhibitions (selection):
Festival del film Locarno, Pardi di Domani: International Competition (Switzerland)
Torino Film Festival, italiana.corti: National Competition (Italy)
Art of the Real - Film Society of Lincoln Center (USA)
Subversive Film Festival, Short Film Competition (Croatia)
Edinburgh International Film Festival, Black Box Program (Scotland)
Les Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin: New Cinema and Contemporary Art (France, Germany)
Go Short, European Competition (The Netherlands)
Kyiv International Short Film Festival (Ukraine)
Harvard Art Museum (USA)
Cinema Med Festival (Portugal)
Big Ears Festival (USA)
Navigare i confini/MigrArti (Sardinia)
Cinemaforum Festival (Poland)
Tannic Time Studio (China)
Kinemastik (Malta)
Alternative Film/Video Festival (Serbia)
Cairo Video Festival (Egypt)
St James Cavalier Centre for Creativity (Malta)
Northwest Film Forum (USA)
Mediterranea 18 Young Artists Biennale (Albania)
Syros International Film Festival (Greece)
Wild Dreamer Best Short Film Award, Subversive Film Festival (Croatia)
"Lampedusa: a sea of possibilities" in Juliet Art Magazine
”Pensive Short Films About Peculiar and Forgotten Places” in Hyperallergic
"Lampedusa, passato e presente si fondono” in Avanti!
LAMPEDUSA was made in part with public funds from the New York State Council on the Arts’ Electronic Media and Film Finishing Funds grant program, administered by The ARTS Council of the Southern Finger Lakes.